Shift Scheduling Software Specifications
The features you need for smart, intuitive shift management
The calendar provides a snapshot of the current operating area.
- Shows you a full month snapshot of the current operating area.
- Time off, Sick days, special assignments, shift changes or Rescue assignments are clearly color coded.
- Click any cell to apply time-off, shift changes, notes or special assignments
- Shift add-ons, special assignments and mutual shift changes are listed and identified as a part of the current crew.
- People that were called in for Overtime are shown added to the crew.
- Alert boxes are shown for shifts that are short people or skills. Click the box to open a call sheet to fill that opening.
- Shutdowns and Turn-arounds are handled
- Add notes to any cell
Call Sheet
- Call sheet is organized in the order that people should be called.
- The response of the employee is recorded.
- Lists people currently on shift.
- Identifies the missing skill that is needed and elligible skills that can fill the position.
- Lists employees in two main groups: elligible and not-elligible
- Elligible are sorted according to union rules.
- Not-elligible is sorted according to reason.
- Details:
- Accepted - selecting this adds the person to the crew and records the OT hours.
- Refused - Adds the refused hours to person's record.
- No answer
- Not home
- N/A
- Left message
- Employee Key Number
- Employee Name
- Speed Dial
- Currently on/off or adjacent shift
- Previous response if they were called for this shift already
- Total OT (includes refused OT hours)
- Time off Status - reason they are not working that shift
- Skills (example: HP1 HP2 HP3 HP4 HP5 HP6 HP7)
- Number of consecutuve days worked without time-off
The call log is generated automatically according to Union regulations.
Call log sorting and filtering rules:
- Rule 1: Get all employees for the current operating area.
- Rule 2: Generate a list of employees that are qualified to cover for a missing skill.
- Rule 3: Generate a list of employees that are NOT qualified to cover for a missing skill.
- Rule 4: Determine and list off-shift (non-adjacent) with no time off.
- Rule 5: Determine and list adjacent, or on shift who are on time off - who might be called (not sick or special assignment)
- Rule 6: Determine unqualified employees, everyone who hasn't qualified for the previous rules.
Filter Conditions to list employee
- Has not already been used in an earlier list
- Does not require "mandatory" time off due to consecutive days worked
- Can fill the missing skill
- Has not already refused the required hours
- Is eligible to call for OT (not sick or special assignment)
Sort each portion of call list by:
- Employee's previous call response (order: no response, left message, n/a, no answer, not home, refused)
- On-shift state (order: off, adjacent, on)
- Time-off type ranking (order: EDO, Special Assignment, Vacation/Stat, Paid LOA, Unpaid LOA, Training, Sick)
- Total OT hours (accepted + refused, already booked, including future portion of current year)
The Employees screen tracks the following details:
Quick access to employee list makes maintanence a breeze.
- Employee Name
- Symb (Preferred Key)
- Crew
- Key
- Speed Dial
- Year Started (Actual)
- Year Started (Adjustment)
- Date Terminated
- On Probation
- Vacation Entitled
- Vacation hours
- Vacation Adjustments
- EDO hours
- EDO Adjustments
- Time Off hours and type
- Overtime
Crew changes can be done quickly.
- Manage your crews.
- Make crew changes that take effect on a specific date.
Crew Schedule
With the calender quick view and crews, you can make crew changes efficiently.
- View the crew schedule in a calendar and list view.
The calender and call sheet monitor alerts you to skill shortages on a crew.
Skills (Customizable)
The calendar and call sheet track whether a crew is complete or missing a particular skill. The calendar alerts you to deficiencies and the call sheet is ordered to fill this skill.
- Here are some example skills for a refinery:
- LP-1
- LP-2
- LP-3
- LP-4
- LP-5
- LP-6
- LP-7
- #1
- Loader
- Rescue Level
- Key for Rescue Calendar
Time Off
Clean and organized, ShiftShaper provides all the details needed for viewing employee time off.
- Details:
- Key
- Employee Name
- Year Started
- Year Started (Adj)
- Years Worked
- Vacation Weeks Entitled
- Vacation Hours (adjusted)
- Vacation Booked
- Vacation Used
- Vacation Remaining (adjusted)
- EDO Booked
- EDO Used
- EDO Remaining (adjusted)
- Unpaid LOA
- Paid LOA
- Training
- Special Assignment
- Class A Rescue
Detailed and accurate overtime reporting keeps an eye on the bottom line.
- Overtime Hours are tracked
- Detail recorded by Shift / Day / Month / Year
- Hours are recorded as Accepted or Refused when offered.
Shiftshaper tracks rescue skills so you can plan for rescue events and assign shifts accordingly.
- Track rescue skills of a dedicated rescue crew and the rescue skills of all employees.
- See at-a-glance all employees on shift with rescue skills.
- Plan Class A, B & C events requiring rescue people.
- Plan rescue events and assign people from on-shift or call them in for overtime.
- Call sheet is sorted for Rescue 1 and Rescue 2 skills according the skill required for the event.
- Assign someone currently on shift to a rescue event. The calendar immediately shows a skill shortage on that crew which may trigger an OT requirement.
Call response log increases accountablilty reducing disputes and staffing conflicts.
Call Response Log
- Records all the call sheets with results for future reference.
- Helps to eliminate disputes.
Transitioning to Shiftshaper is on a short learning curve with the inclusion of a master schedule.
Master Schedule
- The calendar follows a master schedule
- The schedule can be adjusted for holidays, shut downs or turn-arounds.
- The Christmas and New Years schedule is managed to alternate crews working each year.
Creating and maintaining operating areas as your organization grows is easy with Shiftshaper.
Operating Areas
- Manage each operating area's:
- Minimum number of workers
- Number of fixed shifts
- Skills required
- Minimum workers for each skill
- How many hours for the shift
- Positions on the crews.
- Switch between a skill ranking or classification system.
- Day or night shift